terça-feira, maio 24, 2005

Raio de Luz (Ray of light)

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É com muita, muita alegria, orgulho, vaidade, enfim... sem palavras... que vejo dois nomes grandes, grandes, associarem-se a este projecto.

Falo de Martin Wright (autor de um texto já aqui publicado) Senior Research Fellow - University of Sussex e de Michael Kilchling, Senior Researcher, Manager of Administrative Affairs of the Department of Criminology and Public Relations Coordinator do Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht - Freiburg.

Os dados estão lançados e daqui só podem sair bons números!

Um muito obrigado do coração!

(now to you
I'm so, so, so very happy and proud to announce the gathering of two big (huge) names within this project.
I'm refering to Martin Wright (the author of a published paper in this blog) Senior Research Fellow - University of Sussex and Michael Kilchling, Senior Researcher, Manager of Administrative Affairs of the Department of Criminology and Public Relations Coordinator of the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht - Freiburg.
We're playing dices here and from you it can only come out extra good luck!
Thank you from the heart!)
A Member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Web Ring

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