quarta-feira, junho 22, 2005


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Porque urge reflectir sobre o modelo que pretendemos implementar, veja-se este documento do Restorative Justice Consortium que, em jeito de frequently asked questions, aborda variadas temáticas, como:

- motivações do agressor e da vítima;

- limites à confidencialidade;

- boas-práticas;

- dificuldades no decurso do processo.

Para quem gosta destas coisas, garantidamente, vale a pena ler!


Claro que somos uns privilegiados! Cada vez mais!

Temos de o dizer e redizer. Hoje com especial motivo e justificação.

José Caetano Duarte, Juiz Desembargador, há muito que vem participando nos meios internacionais na análise desta temática apaixonante e propugnando pelo seu desenvolvimento em Portugal.

Tão poucas palavras para dizer como o saber de experiência feito pode ser o melhor dos contributos para a reflexão sobre a Justiça Restaurativa.

Um renovado obrigado pelo privilégio de o termos entre nós.


quinta-feira, junho 16, 2005


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Diz-se por :

“Following a crime, a victim often feels vulnerable and powerless.

Added to that is the victim’s experiences with the criminal or juvenile justice system, which focuses on the offender.

The victim is excluded from the process, rarely being offered an opportunity to tell his or her experiences, define the resulting harm, or express needs. It is not surprising that in the wake of a crime, a victim often expresses a lack of control in his or her life that can intensify fears and anxieties.

The presence of choices and options for the victim in the mediation process can contribute to a sense of power.

Empowerment is conducive to healing, the ability to move beyond difficult and painful experiences or integrate them into one’s life.

The mediator provides information and support for the victim engaged in decisionmaking but is careful not to apply pressure or impose expectations on the victim.

The victim must be given sufficient time to make decisions, without the pressure of arbitrary time constraints.”


quarta-feira, junho 15, 2005

Ficamos muito mais ricos (e vaidosos)!

Que bom poder contar com este contributo! Quanto nos honra e enche de alegria!

Carlos Silva, sociólogo e terapeuta familiar, conhece como ninguém os meandros da conflitualidade humana.

A Justiça Restaurativa fica a partir de agora muito mais enriquecida na multidisciplinaridade e terá o sabor diferente dos novos saberes, novos olhares, novas propostas...

Obrigado por podermos continuar a fazer o caminho.


segunda-feira, junho 13, 2005

Humanistic Mediation

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Amizade "ad eternum"

Mark S. Umbreit, Ph.D.Center for Restorative Justice & Peacemaking

"Humanistic mediation represents a “dialogue-driven” rather than a “settlement-driven” form of conflict resolution.

It focuses on the importance of meeting with the parties individually and in-person prior to the joint mediation session to listen to their story, build rapport, explain the process, and prepare them for engagement in a mediated dialogue.

It is a nondirective style of mediation in which the parties are primarily speaking to each other with minimal intervention by the mediator.

The mediator maintains an attitude of unconditional positive regard and concern for all parties while remaining impartial (i.e., not taking sides). "


segunda-feira, junho 06, 2005

Mais uma estrela na nossa constelação!

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Falo de Borbala Fellegi, PhD researcher em criminologia e política social e colaboradora do Forum Europeu de Mediação Vítima-Agressor e Justiça Restaurativa, que muito nos prestigia com a sua valiosa colaboração.

Para ela, mais do que um obrigado, a retribuição da amizade com que nos tem mimoseado.


(Another star in our constelation!
I'm speaking of Borbala Fellegi, PhD researcher in criminology and social policy and currently working for the European Forum for Victim-Offender Mediation and Restorative Justice inLeuven, Belgium, who prestigiates us with her valuable contribution.
To her, more than thank you, the retribution of her friendship)

Necessidades humanas

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“as garantias legais e processuais são da maior importância na justiça restaurativa. As boas práticas, assentes na formação, na supervisão e na ética, já oferecem algumas garantias, não sendo no entanto dispensável o suporte e orientação das necessárias normas legais, sem que tal restrinja a natureza flexível da justiça restaurativa. A lei deve assumir um papel de protecção, mas simultaneamente facilitador, de forma a tornar a justiça restaurativa disponível para todos. É evidente que a justiça restaurativa não deverá ser reduzida a, nem dominada por, uma abordagem aos direitos quer das vítimas de crime, quer dos agressores. Esta nova forma de justiça assenta mais nas necessidades humanas do que nos direitos formais.”

Ivo Aertsen, Seminário Dikê (pp.16)


Algumas referências bibliográficas

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Porque nunca são demais:

  • Aertsen, I., Slachtoffer-dader bemiddeling: een onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van een herstelgerichte strafrechtsbedeling, proefschrift, Leuven, K.U.Leuven, 2001.
  • Bonafé-Schmitt, J.-P., La médiation pénale en France et aux Etats-Unis,
    Paris, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 1998.
  • Bottoms, A., ‘Some Sociological Reflections on Restorative Justice’, in Von
    Hirsch, A., Roberts, J. e.a. (eds.), Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice.
  • Competing or Reconcilable Paradigms?, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2003,
  • Brants, Ch. and Field, S., Participation Rights and Proactive Policing.
  • Convergence and Drift in European Criminal Process, preadvies uitgebracht
    voor de Nederlandse Vereniging voor rechtsvergelijking, Deventer, Kluwer, 1995.
  • Crawford, A., ‘Contrasts in victim/offender mediation and appeals to
    community in France and England’, in Nelken, D. (ed.), Contrasts in
    criminal justice, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2000.
  • Crawford, A., Victim-Offender Mediation and Reparation in Comparative
    European Legal Cultures: England and France, ESRC end of award
    report, June 1998.
  • Daly, K., ‘Restorative Justice: The Real Story’, Punishment and Society, 2002,
    nr. 4, 55-79.
  • Delmas-Marty, M., ‘Toward a European Model of the Criminal Trial’, in
    Delmas-Marty, M. (ed.), The Criminal Process and Human Rights: Toward
    a European Consciousness, Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff, 1995.
  • Dignan, J., ‘Towards a Systemic Model of Restorative Justice’, in Von Hirsch,
    A., Roberts, J. e.a. (eds.), Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice.
  • Competing or Reconcilable Paradigms?, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2003,
  • Dignan, J., ‘Restorative Justice and the Law: the Case for an Integrated,
    Systemic Approach’, in Walgrave, L. (ed.), Restorative Justice and the
    Law, Devon, Willan Publishing, 2002, 168-218.
  • European Forum for Victim-Offender Mediation and Restorative Justice
    (ed.), Victim-Offender Mediation in Europe. Making Restorative Justice
    Work, Leuven, Leuven University Press, 2000.
  • Eliaerts, C., Dumortier, E. and Vanderhaegen, R., ‘Critical assessment
    of community service and mediation for juvenile offenders in Brussels.
    A discussion of the project of BAS!’ in WALGRAVE, L. (ed.), Restorative
    Justice for Juveniles. Potentialities, Risks and Problems, Leuven, Leuven
    University Press, 351-366
  • Groenhuijsen, M., ‘Victim-Offender Mediation: Legal and Procedural
    Safeguards. Experiments and Legislation in Some European
    Jurisdictions’, in European Forum for Victim-Offender Mediation and
    Restorative Justice (ed.), Victim-Offender Mediation in Europe. Making Restorative Justice Work, Leuven, Leuven University Press, 2000, 69-81.
  • Hahn, C., Social Anthropology, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 2000.
  • Mackay, R., ‘Ethics and Good Practice in Restorative Justice’, in European
    Forum for Victim-Offender Mediation and Restorative Justice (ed.),
    Victim-Offender Mediation in Europe. Making Restorative Justice Work,
    Leuven, Leuven University Press, 49-67.
  • Miers, D., An International Review of Restorative Justice, London, Home
    Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, 2001
  • Pelikan, C., The Council of Europe Recommendation N° R (99) 19 concerning Mediation in Penal Matters, ERA-Forum.
  • Scripta iuris europaei, 2002, n° 1.
  • Prison Fellowship International, Restorative Justice Briefing Paper, February 2000.
  • Peters, T. and Aertsen, I., ‘Restorative justice. In search of new avenues in
    judicial dealing with crime. The presentation of a project of mediation
    for reparation’ in Fijnaut, C., Goethals, J., Peters, T. and Walgrave,
    L. (eds.), Changes in society, crime and criminal justice in Europe, vol. I.,
    Antwerpen, Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen België, 1995, 311-342.
  • Recommandation N° R(99)19 sur la médiation en matière pénale du Conseil de l’Europe, adoptée par le Comité des Ministres le 15 septembre 1999.
  • Tavuchis, N., Mea Culpa: A Sociology of Apology and Reconciliation,
    Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1991.
  • Van Ness, D., ‘Creating Restorative Systems’, in Walgrave, L. (ed.), Restorative
    Justice and the Law, Devon, Willan Publishing, 2002, 130-149.
  • Walgrave, L. (ed.), Restorative Justice and the Law, Devon, Willan Publishing,
  • Walgrave, L., ‘Restorative Justice and the Law: Socio-ethical and Juridical
    Foundations for a Systemic Approach’, in Walgrave, L. (ed.), Restorative
    Justice and the Law, Devon, Willan Publishing, 2002, 191-218.
  • Walgrave, L., Met het oog op herstel. Bakens voor een constructief jeugdsanctierecht,
    Leuven, Universitaire Pers Leuven, 2000.
  • Walgrave, L., ‘Extending the Victim Perspective towards a Systemic
    Restorative Justice Alternative’, in Crawford, A. and Goodey, J. (eds.),
    Integrating a Victim Perspective within Criminal Justice. International
    Debates, Aldershot, Ashgate Publishing, 2000, 253-284.

Boas leituras!


quinta-feira, junho 02, 2005

Reintegrative shaming and stigmatization

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“As someone who believes that restorative justice processes should be about reintegrative shaming and should reject stigmatization, it seems important to prohibit any degrading or humiliating form of treatment.”

“There is an important difference between reintegrative shaming and stigmatization.

While reintegrative shaming prevents crime, stigmatization is a kind of shaming that makes crime problems worse.

Stigmatization is the kind of shaming that creates outcasts; it is disrespectful, humiliating.

Stigmatization means treating criminals as evil people who have done evil acts.

Reintegrative shaming means disapproving of the evil of the deed while treating the person as essentially good.

Reintegrative shaming means strong disapproval of the act but doing so in a way that is respecting of the person.

Once we understand this distinction, we can understand why putting more police on the street can actually increase crime.”


I Convenção RAL - 1º Dia

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Decorreu com grande elevação intelectual esta iniciativa que contou hoje com a presença de uma vasta delegação de ilustres operadores judiciários da C.P.L.P., painéis com inegável interesse e uma audiência notoriamente motivada.

É com grande jubilo que saudamos estas iniciativas, na esperança de que outras se sigam.

Na parte que mais nos toca, salienta-se o contributo do Prof. Juan Carlos Vezzulla, que agraciou a audiência com uma exposição subordinada ao tema "Violência na Comunidade: Abordagens e Caminhos".

Foi igualmente uma agradável surpresa a exposição clara, objectiva e claramente empenhada, apresentada pela Mestre Carlota Pizarro de Almeida.

As questões levantadas reflectem as grandes problemáticas que se nos deparam: desde o próprio conceito de Justiça Restaurativa, ao local e modo da mediação vítima-agressor, aflorando ainda os cuidados especiais que alguns tipos penais levantam nesta sede.

Ficou a vontade de conhecer a obra desta autora, mormente "Despublicização do Direito Criminal" (2000).

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