4ª Conferência do Forum Europeu de Justiça Restaurativa
Barcelona, Spain
15-17 June 2006
Everyone wants ‘justice’, but people mean different things by it, as mediators and other restorative justice practitioners experience in their daily work.
The fourth conference of the European Forum for Restorative Justice intends to broaden the perspective on restorative justice whilst retaining the core topic of ‘justice’. In this conference, the European Forum will, for the first time, explore in detail what lies beyond the ‘classical’ application of restorative justice.
The concept of ‘justice’ already points beyond the law (droit, diritto, derecho, Recht, lov …) or the even more narrow field of criminal law. Justice (justice, giustizia, Gerechtigkeit, rett…) comprises distributive and social justice, and includes the political and moral spheres.
Special attention is rightly being given to meeting the needs of victims of crime, especially those who wish to participate actively in the criminal justice process. It is also important that offenders should take responsibility for their acts and make reparation to the victim or the community.
In affluent modern societies, and also in those where people have experienced severe violence and mass victimisation, the struggle for social justice, linked to peace-making and peace-building, has led policy-makers to consider restorative justice as a viable road towards structural social change.
Although restorative justice is still a rather new approach, it has already become well established in many European countries as an alternative way of dealing with relatively minor crimes. However, its potential is much broader than this. The conference will cover five major themes:
● restorative justice, peace-making and peace-building;
● community mediation, working towards justice in a broad sense ― beyond the intervention of criminal law agencies;
● dealing with more severe crimes in a restorative way: exploring the place for restorative justice programmes that are not restricted to pre-trial diversion of petty offences;
● the school mediation movement is increasingly widespread, attempting to handle conflicts beyond ― or rather before ― the law according to the same principles as restorative justice, and beyond the traditional offender orientation that marks the criminal justice system;
● good practice for restorative justice, which is vital to establish a solid basis for the new approach to justice.
We will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of good practice standards for restorative justice programmes.
The results of the AGIS1 project of the European Forum on the training of mediators and of legal practitioners will be discussed, as well as 2005 summer school in Pilsen (Czech Republic) on the training of mediators and facilitators.
Documents related to the conference:
- The conference brochure, which includes the programme and practical information.
- The registration form.
- The call for presentations.
- The waiver application form.
- A list of accommodation in the proximity of the conference location.
Mais informação aqui.
Definitivamente, a não perder!
Olá Sónia,
Pelos contributos deste seu blog percebe-se que vai por esse mundo uma onda de implementação institucional da composição de litígios fora da lógica jurisdicional pura e dura.
Com a vantagem de a resolução do conflito acarretar benefícios para TODOS os intervenientes.
Nessa matéria podem, de facto, ser dados grandes passos em direcção a uma muito maior harmonia social.
É uma nova forma de os cidadãos, não podendo evitar os diversos tipos de conflitualidade (a natureza humana assim o determina), poderem conviver com o conflito, o diferendo, a ofensa, numa base muito mais serena e profícua do ponto de vista da paz social.
Com a informação que vai estando disponível e com as iniciativas de divulgação e de formação nessa matéria, também no nosso país, vai ver que qualquer dia um qualquer responsável político tropeça no assunto e abre os olhos para essa realidade.
É sobretudo a abordagem construtiva do conflito, como algo que, se superado ou explicado, pode ser factor positivo de mudança e não apenas algo intransponível.
Como diz, e bem, está-nos na natureza.
E assim sendo, não fará sentido apelar à participação/responsabilização dos directamente interessados?
Não será, aliás, a melhor forma (a mais eficiente) de promover a pacificação social?
Mas eu sei que ao Xavier não preciso convencer...
É como diz: Ámen!
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