domingo, janeiro 15, 2006

Serious Violence & Restorative Justice - Conferência

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1st International Conference in Israel on:

Serious Violence & Restorative Justice
Bar-Ilan University, Monday 6th of March 2006

Conference Chair: Beni Jakob

Free admission:please register in advance with Sylvie Lipskier:,
Language: English
Hotel Accommodation: Special reduced rates for participants, at the Metropolitan Hotel –Tel-Aviv, by quoting: "Conference on Violence & Restorative Justice" direct reservations through the internet:
If you require a personal invitation, please contact the conference chair directly at:

Background to Conference

· Violence is a serious social concern and on the increase.

· There is a growing dissatisfaction with the Criminal Justice System that stems from:
ð The State’s ownership over criminal disputes.
ð The ineffectiveness of punishment, rehabilitation and compensation in the current criminal justice system.
· Restorative Justice is an alternative and/or addition to the existing Criminal Justice System, already applied in about 80 States over the last 30 years with evident success; including pilot projects within the juvenile justice system in Israel.
· There is a pressing need for:
ð Research and application of alternative and complementary modes to the existing criminal justice system, such as Restorative Justice.
ð Promotion of public, academic and intra/ inter- institutional debate on this subject.
· Obviously as with any other significant change attempt, there is controversy and resistance to change, that needs to be addressed.

· The main characteristics of Restorative justice are:
Ö Reclaiming the conflict back to the parties involved: the victims, the secondary victims, the offenders, the family and the community.
Ö Focusing on the relationships between the parties involved, with an orientation to the future.
Ö Empowering and fomenting grassroots involvement and democratic behaviour.
· The International conference will take place at Bar- Ilan University on the 6th of March 2006, and will spotlight interpersonal serious violence and victims. The latter are an essential part and parcel of the justice process, too often overlooked.
· The goal is to learn from experience from around the world and search for modes to overcome the obstacles encountered.

· Active participation of victim support advocates, academics and members of public institutions in our conference would greatly contribute to the joint effort in promoting the wellbeing of our communities. This would also alter cycles of violence and suffering, while increasing democratic values and discourse.

Program for Monday the 6th of March 2006

8:30 Registration
9:00- 9:15 Welcome addresses
9:15- 10:00 Why Would Victims and Offenders Want to Talk to Each Other and What Good Would It Do? Ted Wachtel, (USA)

10:00- 10:30 Dramatic performance with audience participation by students from the department of Theatre Arts (Community Theatre program), Tel Aviv University (Director: Peter Harris, IL).

10:30- 10:45 Coffee Break

10:45- 11:30 Victims, Serious Violence & Restorative Justice.
Dame Helen Reeves, OBE, (UK)

11:30- 12:15 Serious Violence & R. J. Research Results. Hans Kerner, (DE)

12:15- 13:30 Lunch break

13:30- 15:30 Parallel Workshops in Restorative Issues:
1. Criminal Justice and Serious Violence cases
Ivo Aersten-Chair (B), Yoav Sapir (IL), Oren Gazal (USA/IL)
Gerald Steinberg (IL), Zvi Gabbay (USA)

2. Gender and Serious Violence
Dana Pogatsh-Chair (IL), Karin Sten-Madsen (DK)
Hanne Anderssson (DK) Rob van Pagee, (NL, Tal Kramer (IL),

3. Victims of Terrorism & Ethnic Conflict
Elmar Weitekamp-Chair (DE), Yulie Cohen Gershtal (IL), Chani Biran (IL),
Nadwa Farandah (PA) Mohamed Dajani (PA)

4. Practical Issues in Restorative Justice
Martin Wright-Chair (UK), Benny Steinberg (IL),
Anat Farkash (IL) Suzy Ben-Baruch (IL), Esthi Shachaf (IL).
15:30- 16:00 Coffee Break

16:00- 16:45 Invited Address- Serious Violence & Restorative Justice, Democracy
and Multiculturalism, Yedidia Stern (IL).

16:45- 17:30 Concluding Panel including Cost members & guest lecturers.

Free admission- please register in advance with Sylvie Lipskier:

Organizing Committee:

Jakob Beni (Conference Chair); Alberstein Michal; Bar-Gil Ora; Ben-David Sarah; Kannai Ruth;
Ronel Natti; Schiff Amira; Shachaf Esthi; Timor Uri.


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